Friday, February 26, 2010

Mali Team Update - Feb 25

by Steve Bakunas

Greetings from Koutiala, well its hard to imagine that this is the last email I'll be sending all of you (at least for this trip). The team had a really good day today - - we started with devotions and then most of us headed to the work site to install what we could of the remaining roofing material. As I mentioned in my email yesterday I had plans to spend some time in prayer with James who is the 12 year old boy who is literally starving to death due to a blockage in his intestine. As I thought about this opportunity, and the power of prayer, I decided to ask two of my team mates to join me. After Dr. Nettleroades explained to James, in French, what it was we were wanting to do he left the room and Jan, Jim and, myself either knelt down beside James or sat softly on his bed. I spoke to James in very low and gentle tones as we prayed over him for the next 15 minutes - - it was obvious to us all that God was right there in the room with us. As the three of us finished up there wasn't a dry eye to be found between us. It was a very powerful and moving moment - - it is God who has the power over life and death and it was our prayer that He would bring His healing power upon this young boy .....please continue to keep James in your prayers.

I am really proud of this team from Christ Community Church ! ! .........we were able to complete ~97% of the roof installation. The construction team worked hard - - both day and night to make this happen .......Bob Braffhart is very pleased with what we were able to accomplish. All in all, Elizabeth saw about 77 patients over the past two weeks - - both adults and children .....good dental hygiene and not so good dental hygiene. Dr. Kris assisted with 6 deliveries - - some being C-sections and saw many patients with diseases ranging from HIV to malaria to typhoid.

Later in the day Bob Braffhart took some of the team members to the black smith section of town - - I've been there before but it was just as interesting the second time - - its like stepping back in time several hundred years. Everything is done by hand (no mechanical equipment is used at all) and these guys truly earn their money. It was a real eye opener and probably something that the team will remember for some time to come.

Tomorrow morning we head to Bamako, via Segou where we'll stop off in the artisan district for a little souvenir shopping and lunch - - then its on to Bamako where we'll have dinner and hang out at the guest house before heading to the airport for our 11:40 PM departure to Paris. We have a brief layover in Paris and then its off to Chicago - - then to Omaha where we arrive at 4:15 PM Saturday afternoon. Thanks to all of you for praying for my team's safety while here in Africa and while traveling - - please know that it is much appreciated. That's it for now - - talk with you all later.

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